- Please use library effectively.
- The Books will be issued on Library Card system.
- Library Books must be handled safely, if any page found missing or torn, the particular student has to replace the new copy of that book.
- Absolute scielence must be observed during Library hours.Students are permitted to use Library every day during their free hours.
- Library Books will be issued for 2 days, then it must be returned or renewed for next two days, Students are permitted to keep Library books for 2 terms ie: 4 days only.
- If any student failed to return or renew the Library Books, pay Rs 5/- fine per day and Need to report before Principal.
- Taking refreshments, sleeping are not allowed inside the library.
- Files, personal books, magazines, bags, and other things are not allowed to be taken inside the library by the students.
- Reservation of seats in the reading area is not allowed.
- After use, the book & journals should be kept on the assigned places either on table for replacement purpose.
- Journels and magazines, Reference books are not allowed to take outside the library. If the student wants the photocopy of these books they have to inform the librarian.
- Books can be issued/received/renewed only with the presentation of the membership card
- Library users should dress modesly and long hair must be tied up.